Category: Seo tools

  • Why Search Engine Rankings Matter

    Did you know that the Google “doodle” dates back to 1998? The first one depicted the Burning Man, and was used by co-founders Brin and Page as a sort of out of office message, letting people know that they were in fact attending the famous Nevada festival. Today, Google is one of the most important…

  • The Best Way to Build Your Business Steadily

    Company headquarters at Google rents grazing goats to mow their lawn instead of using traditional lawnmowers. Inbound leads, like Search Engine Optimization, cost 61 percent lower than outbound leads, like cold calling. companies that blog have 434 percent more indexed pages, resulting in more leads for potential business. Leads that are generated through SEO have…

  • Use SEO to get the traffic you deserve

    Did you know that the popular search engine Google receives about two thirds of the internet search engine market share? Almost 90 percent of US internet users, aged 14 and higher, will browse or research products that they are interested in on the web in 2012? About 40 percent of those will follow up on…