What High-Quality Preschools Look Like – Las Vegas Home

Ki Jones offers a few of the first lessons important for children to understand, like mindfulness, self-directed education, and responsibility. Another aspect that is stressed by the teacher is the concept of open-ended playing. The kids are able to engage in natural play using materials that don’t have a focus on tasks. They are able to decide what they’d like to play with, and exploring different alternatives.

The preschool students have many options throughout their time. It is often their choice to choose from a variety of options. They can go out and explore and play around in the playground, but their teacher will also have art projects in case anyone feels the need to create something else.

Perhaps the thing that sticks out the most in this video is the way in a deliberate way the details of the preschool are thought out. Everything is planned out with purpose for children to grow and expand. They’re not being fostered or simply watched for a couple of hours. Nikki Jones knows what lessons she’d like to teach them as well as how she can make use of the available resources to help them achieve these outcomes.


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