Google made its first tweet on February 26th of 2009 and sent a message to the world in binary that they were feeling lucky. Perhaps this was a self fulfilling prophecy since today, they own a multibillion dollar company with a headquarters mowed by goats. If you would like to capture some of the same fame and quirky traits that are exhibited by Google, then you will need to impress their search engine by using SEO to increase your Google rankings. Any company that plays the internet marketing game by using SEO and does not think about Google is only setting themselves up for failure since they dominate the search engine market today and are likely to continue doing so.
It is said that about 75 percent of people that are actively using search engines will opt to never look past the first page of the results that they are given through any given search engine and since more people are using Google than ever before, your Seo plan needs to make sure that it adapts to their search engine’s algorithms. Doing so will help to make a big push for your company in the online marketing department. You will be able to see for yourself that SEO as it relates to Google can mean the difference in whether your business gains more exposure or not.
If you are not sure how make you SEO program more keen to Google and its way of picking up your website to place in its search engine results, then you should seek professional help. Since 42 percent of people on that or any other search engine will opt to click the top ranking in terms of organic results, this is the coveted spot you should aim to reach with your website. More importantly, for that to happen, you will need a professional’s keen sense of how to make your program work.
Something else significant to consider is that more than seventy million consumers made a purchase online by using their smartphone or tablet. This is a market that cannot be ignored as it will only continue to grow. By letting your chosen professional know, they can make sure your SEO program incorporates this demographic.
Ultimately, your company would be foolish to ignore the power of search marketing. This goes double for paying attention to how to attract Google. By doing so, you will help your business gain more traffic than ever.