Google is known as a power house of online marketing for a good reason. Most of the search engine optimization market begins and ends with the use of this particular engine. Most people recognize the branding of Google, to the point where it has even been accepted as a regular verb when a person is asking for you to search for info on the web.
With about 65 percent of mobile web users daily relying on their smart phone, tablet or other mobile device to purchase new materials or services, it is a sure bet that most Seo reporting information is interesting to business owners. If you operate a business and are not yet making use of analytics, SEO marketing and other tools, it is highly likely that competitors in your industry are well ahead of you, since they are more than likely using these tactics to improve how they market their goods and services.
The very first Google tweet, which was on February 26 of 2009, was binary for the Google slogan “I’m feeling lucky” and company headquarters allow goats to mow the lawn. These little facts about Google are fun to know, but a business is more interested in such facts as knowing that between 70 and 80 percent of web users ignore sponsored results on a search engine, favoring organic results by a wide margin when they run a search for new goods or services.