Search Engine Ranking


Google has an interesting beginning, like the fact that LEGO bricks were used to house 10 four gigabyte hard drives, which were used to test algorithms for PageRank. Today, Google is a common household term, and it is often used to paraphrase the process of searching for information online. Search engine ranking is a very important concept to pay attention to if you’re a website owner. High search engine ranking brings in a healthy amount of traffic, which results in higher sales and more exposure.

Increasing a website’s search engine ranking requires search engine optimization and the proper” Title=”Cool stuff”>Seo tools. Internet marketers and part time bloggers outsource their SEO needs, but they aren’t the only ones demanding SEO services. B2B marketers are heavily reliant on web optimization because for a number of reasons. Obtaining a high search engine ranking influences lead generation. In fact, 57 percent of B2B companies say search engine ranking is one of the most important elements that drives lead generation. It’s important to know not all search engines are created equal and provide the amount of traffic website owners are looking for.

Gaining a competitive organic position on Google is extremely important because Google receives around two thirds of the Internet’s search engine market. In other words, a huge amount of exposure can be obtained from Google by acquiring a high search engine ranking. However, website owners must be familiar with the algorithms that are set for ranking in major search engines. Therefore, it’s a common practice for website owners to outsource search engine optimization.

More than half of internet users research products and services online before purchasing. Consumers use search engines to dig up information about products and services they are interested in. Only 24 percent visit a company’s website first before using search engines to find insightful information. Search engine ranking is needed to gain attention of internet users looking for information. Social media platforms only experience 18 percent of internet users looking for information before using major search engines like Google. Google’s first experience with Twitter involves a tweet that is writing in binary code on February 26th, 2009, which read “I’m feeling lucky.”

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